If you are ensure or would like to find out if your phone has water damage before you place your order and send your phone to a recycler then you will need to check the LDI (Liquid Damage Indicator).
Most phones will have more than one and they can usually be located under or around the battery. Depending on the brand and the model there may be differences with location, size and appearance. Most LDI's will be white if they are undamaged by water, or, red if they are damaged by water. If any of the LDI's are red then this will mean your phone has water damage.
Water damage on iPhones
iPhones usually have an external liquid damage indicator which is located inside the SIM slot. To see it, you will need a torch. You should be able to see either a red or a white strip when you look inside. Red indicates water damage, whereas white will indicate no water damage.
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