When selling your device you will want to make sure you are selecting the correct model so you can get the most accurate price from our featured recyclers. The make refers to the manufacturer, e.g. Samsung, Huawei, Apple and the model is the series and generation, for example Galaxy S21.
There are countless Android manufacturers, but the devices' naming fundamentals remain unchanged: Make + Model. If you can't remember which device do you have, it is easy to locate this information on your phone:
1. Launch Settings menu
2. Scroll to the bottom and look for About Phone or System ( might be different depending on the software version and manufacturer)
Androids manufactured after 2017 will have the device information in the About Phone tab.
Older devices may only show the Model Number in the About Phone section. If you have located this number you can use this to look up your device online through a Google search.
Another method of finding your device model name is to try looking on the back of the device. Some device makers will print this on the rear of the device but it becoming less commonplace with newer generation phones.
You may find only partial information on the rear of a device for example Samsung's may have a serial number, eg. SM-XXXXX. You can use this to do a Google search to determine what device you have.
If You Are Unable To Power On The Device
If you are unable to access your phone's Settings because you can not turn on your device, try checking the rear of the device for the model number. If you cannot find this but have the original box then look for the information on the box. Original boxes will normally display all information needed to identify your device.
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